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The Ultimate Eyewear QC Guide To Effectively Reduce Defects (eBook)

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Posted by Zenobia Chan on 28 September 2017

Managing eyewear quality remains one of the most challenging hurdles in the eyewear trade. Wouldn’t it be great if you could get eyewear QC best-practices straight from the experts to improve your products? Now you can.

That’s exactly why we’ve created this guide so you can explore how our eyewear QC experts assure quality and how you could be doing the same.


A Quality Control Guide for Eyewear Manufacturers & Importers

Many manufacturers and importers don’t know what options they have available to them when facing quality issues. Importers should be aware of the importance of eyewear QC inspections but often aren’t familiar with the options available to them for conducting said inspections.

Where do you start when you’re experiencing issues with quality? Do you start at the beginning with the raw materials, or do you only do a pre-shipment inspection and react accordingly? But this could cost you a lot of time if anything went wrong earlier in the manufacturing process.
How many units do you need to pull for inspection? What is an acceptable AQL that will guarantee the best results? And the list goes on.

QC professionals often try to explain the quality control procedure, tests and processes to clients but the problem is that most of them aren’t engineers or lab technicians, which makes it difficult to relay exactly what happens during a QC inspection. It can look daunting at first glance, but once you’ve seen what a thorough QC report looks like and the areas you could be focusing on, the picture becomes clear.



That’s why we’ve written a FREE eBook with actual report examples from PEL, with the outcomes of the report findings explained. In this 37 page guide, you can take a unique look behind the scenes of the eyewear QC world, with actionable information and guidelines to help you reduce defects and get in control of the quality of your eyewear in your, or your supplier’s, factory.


In This Guide We’ll Explore:

  • The best way to manage and use Golden Samples
  • Compiling and working with eyewear QC checklist specifically for your needs
  • The different stages of eyewear quality control
  • All the international eyewear QC standards region specific
  • Eyewear QC reports from PEL with outcomes
  • How to better manage your supply chain
  • A list of all the eyewear tests available to you


Who Will Benefit From This Guide?

eyewear qc


Companies or Individuals manufacturing or purchasing eyewear in China who wish to improve their quality control processes and product quality, or businesses who are new to the eyewear trade.

  • Use this eBook to take a look at the finer details of eyewear QC from PEL’s experts.
  • Know what exactly to expect from third-party eyewear inspection services like PEL’s, which tests are available to you, and how much you stand to benefit from implementing each one into your processes.
  • Use this book as a guideline to improve your own QC processes and get ahead of the competition by improving your eyewear’s quality in-house if you prefer.
  • If you're currently experiencing quality problems with your eyewear orders from Chinese suppliers, this guide will help you to see where their QC processes are lacking.


We found that there is a lack of information online that our colleagues in the eyewear trade can use to learn how an eyewear laboratory like ours would undertake thorough QC testing.

That’s why we created this guide to help you get real insight into eyewear quality that you can use to improve your existing processes, or assure that manufacturing partners are carrying out thorough enough QC on your goods before they ship.

Empower yourself to make more informed decisions about your eyewear quality today, just hit the button below to download this eBook now.


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Zenobia Chan

Zenobia Chan is PEL's General Manager, and has been working in the eyewear industry for over 17 years. She has been involved in the entire supply chain from research and development, to order fulfillment, quality management, auditing and product compliance. She established PEL from scratch and is an annual seminar speaker at the MIDO and Hong Kong Optical Fair.

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